Christina Wyeth Baker in the Cambridge Room |
The Library of Congress (LOC) and the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Library in Washington DC both hold The Wyeth and Wythe Families of America book. For all their help during the nine years it took me to write the book, I gifted the 558-page Wyeth/Wythe history to two libraries in Massachusetts... The New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston and the Cambridge Public Library.
It is most appropriate for the Cambridge Room to hold this history on their shelves since the Wyeth and Wythe families of America started in Cambridge shortly after Nicholas Wyeth purchased a house across from Cambridge Common in 1645. The donated volume honors Nicholas Wyeth's 9th great granddaughter, Jennifer Lena Wyeth (1988-2020), of Malden, Massachusetts.
Other libraries who have purchased the Wyeth/Wythe book show at the bottom right. If you would like to own this book for your personal library, please contact me at the email address shown above.